Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. DiIorio
Want to register?
Call the school office to schedule a tour or request a registration form.
Northminster Pre-School
104 West Portage Trail
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Three-Year-Old Classes
Children need to be three and toilet trained prior to the start of the pre-school year to enroll in one of our 3 year old classes. Some special events include: Threes Night Out, Mickey Mouse day, Grandparents' Day, and the Harvest Festival.
A typical day in one of our 3 year old classes includes:
- Class meetings are held daily to introduce academic themes and topics
- Child directed play with manipulative, blocks, puzzles, centers and a variety of toys.
- Stories and finger plays
- Arts and crafts providing experiences with a variety of mediums
- Daily snack
- Music and rhythms
- Muscle Room time where students may ride bikes or play with a variety of equipment offering gross motor development and cooperation skills.
Academic Skills
- Recognize printed name
- Identify beginning letter of first name
- State last name
- Recite alphabet
- Identify 8 basic colors
- Identify 7 basic shapes
- Count to 10
- Draw a face including: eyes, nose, and mouth
- Identify basic body parts
- Recall details to stories
- Expand vocabulary
- Recognize some sight words
Social Skills
- Seperate easily from parents
- Develop good listening skills
- Follow class routine and rules
- Able to walk in line with class
- Follow 2-3 step directions
- Play cooperatively with other children
- Express feelings appropriately
- Make wants and needs known to the teacher
- Increase attention span for activities
- Participate in large group activities
- Converse with peers and teacher
- Dress self
- Handle bathroom needs independently
Fine Motor Skills
- Cut simple shapes with scissors
- Use pencil, crayon, or markers as guided
- Use paintbrush at easel and table
Gross Motor Skills
- Walk and run smoothly
- Jump with two feet
- Walk low balance beam independently
- Attempt to pedal bicycle