
Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. DiIorio

Want to register?

Call the school office to schedule a tour or request a registration form.

Northminster Pre-School
104 West Portage Trail
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223

Three-Year-Old Classes


Children need to be three and toilet trained prior to the start of the pre-school year to enroll in one of our 3 year old classes. Some special events include: Threes Night Out, Mickey Mouse day, Grandparents' Day, and the Harvest Festival.

A typical day in one of our 3 year old classes includes:

  • Class meetings are held daily to introduce academic themes and topics
  • Child directed play with manipulative, blocks, puzzles, centers and a variety of toys.
  • Stories and finger plays
  • Arts and crafts providing experiences with a variety of mediums
  • Daily snack
  • Music and rhythms
  • Muscle Room time where students may ride bikes or play with a variety of equipment offering gross motor development and cooperation skills.


Academic Skills

  1. Recognize printed name
  2. Identify beginning letter of first name
  3. State last name
  4. Recite alphabet
  5. Identify 8 basic colors
  6. Identify 7 basic shapes
  7. Count to 10
  8. Draw a face including: eyes, nose, and mouth
  9. Identify basic body parts
  10. Recall details to stories
  11. Expand vocabulary
  12. Recognize some sight words

Social Skills

  1. Seperate easily from parents
  2. Develop good listening skills
  3. Follow class routine and rules
  4. Able to walk in line with class
  5. Follow 2-3 step directions
  6. Play cooperatively with other children
  7. Express feelings appropriately
  8. Make wants and needs known to the teacher
  9. Increase attention span for activities
  10. Participate in large group activities
  11. Converse with peers and teacher
  12. Dress self
  13. Handle bathroom needs independently

Fine Motor Skills

  1. Cut simple shapes with scissors
  2. Use pencil, crayon, or markers as guided
  3. Use paintbrush at easel and table

Gross Motor Skills

  1. Walk and run smoothly
  2. Jump with two feet
  3. Walk low balance beam independently
  4. Attempt to pedal bicycle