Mrs. Richardson
Want to register?
Call the school office to schedule a tour or request a registration form.
Northminster Pre-School
104 West Portage Trail
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Five-Year-Old Class
Children who will turn 5 by January 15th may enroll for our 5 year old class. Some special events include a French Tea with parents at Christmas, a 50th day of school celebration, and a Slide into Kindergarten party.
A typical day in one of our 5 year old classes includes:
- Alphabet Journals
- Child directed play with manipulative, blocks, puzzles, centers and a variety of STEM related stations.
- Stories and finger plays
- Arts and crafts providing experiences with a variety of mediums
- Music and rhythms
- Muscle Room time where students may ride bikes or play with a variety of equipment offering gross motor development and cooperation skills.
- Scholastic News Magazine
- Introduction to phonics and basic math concepts
- Manuscript handwriting will be practiced
- Daily snack
Academic Skills
- Recognize and recite all the letters of the alphabet
- Basic knowledge of how to form all capital and lower case letters of the alphabet
- Introduction of phonics
- Introduction of sight words
- Use of phonetic awareness to sound out words
- Recognize numbers 1-20
- Count out loud to 100
- Count by 10's to 100
- Graphing
- Comprehension of stories
- Knowledge of rhyme and opposite words
- Understanding patterns
- Able to recite days of the week, address, and phone number
- Sequence 4-6 pictures in a progressive series
- Introduce size and spatial relationships of objects
- Introduce simple science and math concepts
Social Skills
- Sit quietly during stories and instruction time (15-20 minutes)
- Follow 3-4 step directions
- Express emotions appropriately
- Display a cooperative attitude (follow directions, wait in line patiently, follow routine, take turns)
- Raise hand and participate during large group discussion
- Play and work independently or in small groups
- Walk with class in line
- Use restroom independently
- Speak in clear sentences with appropriate speech pattern
- Seperate easily from parents
- Ask for help when needed
Fine Motor Skills
- Hold scissors correctly
- Cut simple shapes accurately
- Hold pencil correctly
- Write first name beginning with capital letter.
- Appropriate use of glue
Gross Motor Skills
- Pedal bike smoothly
- Hop, skip, and gallop easily
- Balance on one foot