Mrs. Chancey and Mrs. Durr
Want to register?
Call the school office to schedule a tour or request a registration form.
Northminster Pre-School
104 West Portage Trail
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Four-Year-Old Classes
Children who will turn 4 prior to the start of pre-school may enroll in one of our 4 year old classes.
A typical day in one of our 4 year old classes includes:
- Class meetings are held daily to introduce academic themes and topics
- Child directed play with manipulative, blocks, puzzles, centers and a variety of toys.
- Stories and finger plays
- Arts and crafts providing experiences with a variety of mediums
- Music and rhythms
- Muscle Room time where students may ride bikes or play with a variety of equipment offering gross motor development and cooperation skills.
- Scholastic News Magazine
- Introduction to phonics and basic math concepts
- Manuscript handwriting will be practiced
- Class meetings are held daily to introduce academic themes and topics
- Daily snack
Academic Skills
- Know first and last name
- Know age
- Recite alphabet
- Print first name
- Recognize most alphabet letters
- Count to 50
- Introduce phonics
- Introduce sight words
- Introduce patterning
- Recognize body parts
- Know position orientation words
- Introduce opposite and rhyming words
- Expand vocabulary
- Sequence sizes
- Categorize objects
- Understand simple math and science concepts
Social Skills
- Develop good listening skills
- Increase attention span
- Respect peers and classroom equipment
- Follow 2 or 3 step directions
- Express needs to teacher
- Express emotions appropriately
- Particpate in large group activities
- Follow routine independently
- Walk with class in line
- Use restroom independently
Fine Motor Skills
- Hold pencil, marker or crayon effectively
- Cut simple shapes accurately with scissors
- Trace stencils
- Use paint brushes appropriately at table and easel
- Write their own name
- Assemble simple puzzles
Gross Motor Skills
- Walk forward and backward
- Skip, hop, gallop smoothly
- Walk low balance beam independently
- Pedal bicycle