
Mrs. Chancey and Mrs. Durr

Want to register?

Call the school office to schedule a tour or request a registration form.

Northminster Pre-School
104 West Portage Trail
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223

Four-Year-Old Classes


Children who will turn 4 prior to the start of pre-school may enroll in one of our 4 year old classes.

A typical day in one of our 4 year old classes includes:

  • Class meetings are held daily to introduce academic themes and topics
  • Child directed play with manipulative, blocks, puzzles, centers and a variety of toys.
  • Stories and finger plays
  • Arts and crafts providing experiences with a variety of mediums
  • Music and rhythms
  • Muscle Room time where students may ride bikes or play with a variety of equipment offering gross motor development and cooperation skills.
  • Scholastic News Magazine
  • Introduction to phonics and basic math concepts
  • Manuscript handwriting will be practiced
  • Class meetings are held daily to introduce academic themes and topics
  • Daily snack


Academic Skills

  1. Know first and last name
  2. Know age
  3. Recite alphabet
  4. Print first name
  5. Recognize most alphabet letters
  6. Count to 50
  7. Introduce phonics
  8. Introduce sight words
  9. Introduce patterning
  10. Recognize body parts
  11. Know position orientation words
  12. Introduce opposite and rhyming words
  13. Expand vocabulary
  14. Sequence sizes
  15. Categorize objects
  16. Understand simple math and science concepts

Social Skills

  1. Develop good listening skills
  2. Increase attention span
  3. Respect peers and classroom equipment
  4. Follow 2 or 3 step directions
  5. Express needs to teacher
  6. Express emotions appropriately
  7. Particpate in large group activities
  8. Follow routine independently
  9. Walk with class in line
  10. Use restroom independently

Fine Motor Skills

  1. Hold pencil, marker or crayon effectively
  2. Cut simple shapes accurately with scissors
  3. Trace stencils
  4. Use paint brushes appropriately at table and easel
  5. Write their own name
  6. Assemble simple puzzles

Gross Motor Skills

  1. Walk forward and backward
  2. Skip, hop, gallop smoothly
  3. Walk low balance beam independently
  4. Pedal bicycle